New York State Teachers’ Retirement System
NYSTRS retirees will find information to help them in retirement. (Forms / Publications -- Earnings After Retirement -- Cost-of-Living Adjustment Benefit -- Payment Dates -- Taxes / Estate Planning -- Contacting NYSTRS / Retiree Resources)
NYSUT Retiree Services
Check out NYSUT Health and Wellness Directory
New York State Alliance for Retired Americans
A primary objective of the Alliance is to enroll and mobilize retired union members and other senior and community activists into a nationwide grassroots movement advocating a progressive political and social agenda; one that respects work and strengthens families. The long-term goal of the Alliance is to become the voice for all older Americans.
New York State Office for the Aging
NYSOFANews is a monthly newsletter published by the New York State Office for the Aging. The newsletter includes a variety of information and articles of interest to individuals in the aging network as well as to community members from across New York State and beyond. For general information about NYSOFA, send an email to NYSOFA mailbox. (
AFT Program on Retirement and Retirees
The AFT Program on Retirement and Retirees provides up-to-date information on the latest news about pensions, healthcare, AFT PLUS benefits and other key retirement issues.
Senior Citizens Resources
Information and Services from the U.S. Government